Types And Causes Of Men’s Health Issues
At every stage of life, all of us here at Suburban Diagnostics want to provide you with high-quality men’s health care — everything from check-ups to screenings to strategies and solutions to help you look and feel your best.
Whether you’re feeling healthy and energetic or experiencing some health woes, we’re here for you. Here’s all you need to know about men’s health and overall well-being.
Types and causes of men health issues
There are many health issues which are unique to men. Some of these are:
- Male Infertility: Male infertility is defined as the inability of a male to make a fertile female pregnant even after 1 year of frequent, unprotected intercourse. This can be due to low sperm production, sperm delivery blockages, or abnormal sperm function. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices and other factors may also contribute to male infertility. The leading causes of this can be sperm disorders, varicoceles (scrotum vein enlargement), retrograde ejaculation, immunologic infertility, hormones, and medication.
- Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate (BHP): An age-associated prostate gland enlargement that can cause difficulty in urination. It isn’t entirely clear what causes the prostate to enlarge. However, it might be due to changes in the balance of sex hormones as men grow older.
- Male pattern baldness: Also called androgenetic alopecia, it is a permanent hair loss from the scalp, causing baldness. Hair loss is most common on the crown and front of the head. Family history is one of the most common causes.
- Erectile Dysfunction (ED): This is the inability to produce and sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Approximately one out of every ten adult males suffer from ED on a long-term basis. Causes range from emotional conditions like stress and depression to physical ailments like chronic conditions, drinking alcohol, smoking, etc.
What are the symptoms?
Many of the health problems and diseases that men confront can be avoided or cured if detected early. We only have to pay attention to the signs and symptoms.
- Male Infertility –
- Changes in hair growth
- Changes in sexual desire
- Pain, lump, or swelling in the testicles
- Problems with erections and ejaculation
- Small, firm testicles
- Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate –
- Frequent or urgent need to urinate
- Increased frequency of urination at night (nocturia)
- Difficulty starting urination
- Weak urine stream or a stream that stops and starts
- Dribbling at the end of urination
- Inability to completely empty the bladder
- Male pattern baldness –
- Receding hairline
- Thinning of the hair mainly on the crown and temples
- Formation of horseshoe shaped hairline running around the back and sides of the head
- Erectile Dysfunction –
- Unable to get an erection
- Erection not lasting long enough
Are you at risk?
To start taking better health care, men need to understand their risk factors and improve their overall health.
- Male Infertility –
- Past genital infections or inflammation of the prostate
- Twisting (torsion) or injury to or of the testicles
- Hernia repair
- Undescended testicles
- Early or late puberty
- Exposure of the genitals to high temperatures
- Smoking
- Stress
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Age
- Obesity
- Exposure to heavy metals, pesticides, or industrial chemicals
- Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate –
- Age
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Poor nutrition
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Smoking
- Male pattern baldness –
- Age
- Family history
- Change in hormone levels
- Nutrition deficiency
- Severe chronic illness, such as lupus or diabetes
- Anxiety, depression, or stress
- Erectile Dysfunction –
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes mellitus (DM)
- Hypertension
- Tobacco use
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypogonadism
- Depression
- Metabolic syndrome
- Lower urinary tract symptoms
Recommended tests
The truth is, many men aren’t seeing their primary care doctor regularly. But it’s important not to neglect your health or wait to visit your doctor until it’s too late. Some recommended tests include:
- Benign hypertrophy of prostate
- PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen): Levels of PSA rise when a person has BHP
- Erectile Dysfunction Panel
- Male infertility
- Testosterone
- Semen Analysis
- Scrotal Ultrasound