
Understanding HRCT Scan Scores for Covid-19 Infections

Understanding HRCT:

HRCT is “High Resolution Computerized Tomography” (CT scan) of the chest.

It is an important and fast imaging tool which helps in the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection by:

  • Identifying the percentage of lung involvement due to COVID-19 infection
  • Understanding the disease severity


HRCT imaging uses two types of scoring systems for COVID-19 infection:

  • CO-RADS Score
  • CT Severity Score

CO-RADS – CO-RADS score determines the level of suspicion of COVID-19 infection in suspected patients.

CO-RADS Score Significance
1 Negative COVID-19 – Normal Lung
2 – 4 Suspected COVID-19 infection
5 – 6 COVID-19

CT Severity Score – This score tells us about the percentage of actual lung involvement due to the infection.

CT Severity Score Significance
≤ 8 Mild disease
9 – 15 Moderate disease
16 – 25 Severe disease

If your score is high in either of these, don’t get panicked and rush out for hospitalization. Remember, the decision for hospitalization does depend on other associated factors like pre-existing disease, presenting symptoms and lab parameters.

Therefore, patients are advised to follow-up with the treating doctor in case of higher CT severity score.

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